Essential Freelance Skill - Time Management

Icon for the Structured app - an effective time management tool
Icon for the Structured app - an effective time management tool
by Will Jackson

I’ve been a full-time freelancer for the best part of 10 years now. Over the course of the 10 years, when I look back at certain periods of time and access what I achieved in those periods, compared to what I achieve now on a monthly basis, it’s night and day.

Even up until a few months ago, my output was significantly less than it is now. It’s crazy to me to think I used to work the way I did compared to how I do now.

Let me qualify something here – the quality of work I was producing was the same as it is now (allowing for gradual improvements of course), but my output and volume of tasks/work completed was much, much lower.

Since I made the simple change to my working day, I have annihilated procrastination, laser focused the jobs to be done, gained a ton of motivation and belief and honestly, changed  my life. 

You’re probably wondering what the change I made was?

I employed an incredible time management tool and started structuring my day.

Segmenting the day

This technique/practice is nothing new. There are many ways to do it, and some of the most successful people in all walks of professional and personal life have been doing this for years.

The practice is very simple and easy to do. It involves structuring your day down to the minute.

First of all, you draw up all the jobs/tasks that need doing, assimilating a to-do list essentially.

Then, either via an app (the way I do it. More on that shortly), or using pen and paper, work out how long each of these tasks should roughly take, and fill out the time available to you during the day with the tasks.

I’d recommend factoring in some breaks including grabbing a tea/coffee (I allocate 10 minutes here), and lunch.

The Structured app

The app I use and cannot recommend more highly is called Structured. The app has a ton of functionality, looks beautiful, is extremely easy to use, and generally makes this way of working a breeze.

By the way, incase you’re wondering, I’m not engaging in any affiliate marketing here. Leo, who I believe created this app had no idea this article was being written! I’ve just been so moved and am so grateful for how much this practice and his app have changed my life, that I felt it my duty to give a bit back if I can, and pass on the word.

The free version of the app is amazing in terms of the value it brings, but for the small one-off fee (which is sadly rare these days), I would highly recommend paying for the paid version to get the added functionality.

You can get the app both on your mobile and on desktop with the paid version, which is really handy, as it allows you to more easily keep track of where you are in your day.

The notifications/reminders options either at the start of a new task or that plus a 5 minute warning, is a great feature too.

Say hello to productivity

I remember in the past having this way of working suggested to me by a couple of people, and in my head thinking ‘nah, it’s not really for me. I’m a free-flowing, spontaneous creative that doesn’t want to be tied down to a schedule’. Boy I wish I’d told myself off for thinking that!

The truth is, everyone can benefit from structuring their day. Especially creatives. When you’ve got a ton of things going on, and mountain of tasks the seem to be constantly growing (being a full-freelancer can often feel like you’re doing 3 peoples jobs at once), ordering those tasks to a set time frame not only helps you get them all done, but also makes you feel so much better about the process and yourself in general.

You feel inspired and driven to meet the allowed time slots you’ve set for each task, and because of that, are extremely unlikely to want to procrastinate, as you’re on a mission! 

Procrastination usually only occurs when you’re un-structured, un-motivated and don’t know where to start/what to do next.

If you feel that things might be getting a bit to much for you at work, whatever it is you do, I’d urge you to give this a try. You’ll be stunned at how this time management tool and technique can transform your life and get you closer to achieving your career goals. It’s powerful stuff.

If it changes your life like it did mine, I’d love to hear from you, so please reach out if you feel like doing so!

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